Professor, MIT Program in Science, Technology, and Society


  • Abbott Payson Usher Prize

    Tue, 10/29/2019

    My article, "Forensic Identification in the Aftermath of Human Rights Crimes in Chile: A Decentered Computer History," Technology and Culture 59:4 Supplement (2018): S100-S133 received the 2019 Abbott Payson Usher Prize from the Society for the History of Technology. The prize is awarded to the author of the best article or other work published by the…

  • Plenary: Training Humans Symposium

    Sat, 10/26/2019

    I will be part of a plenary session on training data at the upcoming "Training Humans Symposium" to be held at the Prada Foundation's Osservatorio in Milan, Italy.

  • Talk @ Harvard Kennedy School

    Mon, 09/30/2019

    I'll be giving a talk on my current research as part of the STS Circle speaker series 12:15–2 pm in CGIS S050, 1730 Cambridge Street.

  • Talk @Tufts

    Fri, 09/27/2019

    I am will be speaking at Tufts on the topic of history and memory as part of the symposium "Chile/Latin America and the struggle for social justice in a Changing World."

  • New publication

    Tue, 09/24/2019

    I contributed to the series "Computing and AI: Humanistic Perspectives from MIT" by co-authoring this piece with Dwai Banerjee. Our recommendation for the new Schwarzman College of Computing: have research and teaching adopt a global approach — one that views the U.S. experience as one among many.

  • New Faculty Gallery

    Tue, 09/17/2019

    Thrilled to be one of seven new faculty members in the MIT School of Humanities and Social Sciences. Especially thrilled to have Kate Brown as my new colleague in STS!

  • Joined the MIT STS Program

    Mon, 07/01/2019

    I changed institutions as of July 1, 2019. I am now Associate Professor of Science, Technology, and Society at MIT. However, I will retain my position as Associate Professor of Informatics and Computing at Indiana University, Bloomington for the coming year.

  • Forthcoming Book Chapter

    Sun, 06/30/2019

    Coming in 2020: Eden Medina and Mark Carey, "New Narratives of Technology, Expertise, and Environment in Latin America: The Cold War and Beyond," Itineraries of Expertise: Science, Technology, and the Environment in Latin America, Andra Chastain and Timothy Lorek, eds. (Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press).